JenMar 7, 2020RezensionenREZENSION ZU 'RISING - TERRA #2' VON JENNIFER ALICE JAGER{WERBUNG UNBEZAHLT - REZENSION} >> Sie sterben, weil sie ohnehin schon geschwächt sind. Weil das Licht, im Gegensatz zu der Dunkelheit,...
JenMar 6, 2020ReviewsREVIEW TO 'THE TEN THOUSAND DOORS OF JANUARY' BY ALIX E. HARROWUNPAID ADVERTISEMENT {REVIEW} I received this book as a review copy in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion. A big thank you goes...
JenMar 5, 2020Little Book RaccoonsREVIEW TO 'BELLE TAKES FLIGHT' BY KATHY McCULLOUGHUNPAID ADVERTISEMENT {REVIEW} Little Miss C received this book as a review copy in exchange for her honest and unbiased opinion. A big...
JenMar 4, 2020ReviewsREVIEW TO 'THE GIRL WITH THE GOLD BIKINI' BY LISA WALKERUNPAID ADVERTISEMENT {REVIEW} 'Let's do this again some time. Your shark pool or mine? ~ The Girl With The Gold Bikini ~ I received this...
JenFeb 27, 2020RezensionenREZENSION ZU 'BEASTMODE - ES BEGINNT' VON RAINER WEKWERTH{WERBUNG UNBEZAHLT - REZENSION} Ich habe das Buch als Rezensionsexemplar im Austausch für meine ehrliche Meinung erhalten. An dieser...