JenJul 29, 2019Little Book RaccoonsVIDEO-REVIEW TO 'THE WIZARDS OF ONCE' 1 & 2 BY CRESSIDA COWELLADVERTISEMENT {REVIEW} Hey my lovelies, enjoy the video-review to book # 1 & 2 in the 'The Wizards Of Once' series by Cressida Cowell: My...
JenJul 25, 2019ReviewsREVIEW TO 'THE SURVIVAL GAME' BY NICKY SINGER[UNPAID ADVERTISEMENT - REVIEW} I am not an Ingrim, not a judge at the court of Lamlash, and I will never be. But, if I was, I think I...
JenJul 24, 2019ReviewsREVIEW TO 'NOCTURNA' BY MAYA MOTAYNE{UNPAID ADVERTISEMENT - REVIEW} Magic is a pure force that flows through this world, but it needs a conduit, shone. We are those...
JenJul 23, 2019RezensionenHÖRBUCH-REZENSION ZU 'EMPIRE OF STORMS - SCHWUR DER KRIEGERIN' VON JON SKOVRON{WERBUNG UNBEZAHLT - REZENSION} Ich habe das Hörbuch als Rezensionsexemplar im Austausch für meine ehrliche Meinung erhalten. An dieser...
JenJul 23, 2019ReviewsREVIEW TO 'DEITY' - COVENANT #3 BY JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT{UNPAID ADVERTISEMENT - REVIEW} I received this review copy in exchange of my honest opinion. A big thank you to Hachette Australia....