Dad has moved out and Mom has checked out, leaving the door wide open for the beautiful, erratic Rachel to torment her "loser, loner" younger sister, Nadine. With her family in full meltdown mode, Nadine is alone, trying to cope with Rachel’s increasingly unpredictable moods. Friendless, but determined to turn her life around, Nadine meets Anne, who introduces her to field hockey and to her hot twin brothers, Matt and Cameron.
As Nadine’s star begins to rise, however, Rachel plots to bring her back down, and the tension ratchets up when Rachel starts dating Matt just as Nadine is getting to know Cameron better. When Matt’s interest starts to fade, Rachel goes into overdrive. Is Nadine ready to risk it all in a final showdown with her sister?
File Size: 2149 KB
Print Length: 289 pages
Publisher: Blue Moon Publishers
Publication Date: April 4, 2017
Language: English
After I read the overview I first thought, that the cover might not fit the story. But while I've been reading I understood the sense behind this cover and I have to admit: It's PERFECT!
Susan Marshall's writing style is absolutely thrilling. She writes in a very fluid, spellbinding and emotional manner. There are no dull scenes at all and it didn't take long for me to completely get lost in this amazing book.
To be honest with you, I've been skeptical about this story before I started reading. There are so many books out there about teenagers in High School but not every author can pull it off. Susan Marshall though? She nailed it!!
The plot is perfectly worked through and there are no gaps or contradictions to find. The author didn't just describe the nice sides of a teenager life. No. She pointed out the bad sides, which are too often the reality.
Susan Marshall highlighted a rare topic in this story: Bullying. And she earned all my respect for it. She shows in her great story what could happen, if you don't speak up.
She created some stunning characters for this book. With some I instantly fell in love. Others? Not so much!
At first you meet Nadine - the main character in this book. She is a shadow of her former self. She has a shy and quiet personality, which leads to her being alone. No friends, no social life are waiting for her. Not only did I feel sorry for her, no. I felt connected to her. She's loving and caring. Even for the 'not so nice' people around her.
Then there is Rachel. She is Nadine's older sister and an absolute drama queen. She also is beautiful, smart and popular. But that's not enough. On top of it she's a bully. Whenever she can get Nadine in trouble, she does. Rachel uses Nadine as her personal mental punching bag and it seems always unpredictable to know what she plans next.
You will also meet Anne. She too is a very shy person, who hides in the library for lunch. Anne becomes Nadine's friend and she is the type of friend everyone wishes for. Yes she is shy and quiet but she also really cares and is absolutely lovely. She won my heart in a heartbeat.
When Nadine and Anne start to play field hockey together, they also meet Mei. She seems to be the complete opposite of them. She has a bubbly and loud personality but nonetheless they get along very well. For a little while at least because she will show her real, uncaring and ugly character.
If you want to know what exactly happens, join Nadine on her journey called life.
In my opinion this book should get as much as attention as possible. It is an absolutely thrilling and eye-opening read and for me it also definitely is a must-read.
This book carries a very important message: Don't let the bullies get any power, SPEAK UP!
A massive Thank You to the team of Blue Moon Publishers for the chance to read and review this great book!